
Useful Equipment

It’salways tempting to spend a large proportion of your own money on decking out your classroom in the latest educational bunting (don’t feel bad, we all do it); teachers are territorial beings and we love to make a mark on our own little kingdoms.  BUT, and this is a big but, it is a dangerous path to tread.  Before you know where you are, you will be heavily subsidising the education system (don’t worry, we’ve all done that too), so in order to save you running out of money I have put together a list of teaching essentials, that is, things that you really are better off owning yourself. (This is a list aimed at primary teachers, I’m sure secondary teachers will have their own list of essentials.)

A good, large pencil case

When I first started teaching I used the battered old pencil case I had had since my own school days (it has long since gone to the desk in the sky); now I use a clear plastic one, the same kind the children have.  In it I keep pens of the current marking colours (ball point, fibre tipped and highlighters) a fine liner black felt tip, a fat liner black felt tip, a sharpie (don’t use it on the whiteboard) a pencil, a sharpener and my best dry wipe pen. I label the pencil case with my name and count everything in and out.  I find that some sort of desk tidy just encourages me to keep things I don’t need, so a pencil case it is.


Every teacher needs a small toolbox in their cupboard.  In it you need to put all the things you need for displays and various bits of fixing equipment that you will no doubt be called on to do. Suggestions include:

  • Staple gun (belonging to the school)
  • Bambi stapler (I prefer to use a bambi stapler for my displays, to be honest) (school’s if they have them, yours if not)
  • The correct size staples (this is very important)
  • Large, sharp pair of scissors
  • Ruler (school’s, or a novelty one that will amuse you and/or the children when you use it)
  • Pair of pliers (for removing staples)
  • Official staple remover (for throwing to the floor in frustration) (this belongs to school and will be rubbish)
  • Your own glue stick (school’s)
  • A knife from the school kitchen if you can’t find a pair pf pliers and you have drawing pins in school (they WILL get stuck in shoes)
  • Hole punch (this doesn’t have to be yours, but you do need to label it)

Personally, I don’t like drawing pins (foot health and safety) or blu tac (too often stolen by busy fingers) for displays, but that might be just me.

  • Another great suggestion has been a phillips screwdriver – especially a teeny tiny one of the sort that comes in Christmas crackers. With it you will be able to fix glasses and compasses in maths.

A whistle

Do not use the school whistle you will be given. @michaelT1979 recommends an Acme Thunderer (on a piece of string or lanyard, do not lose).  These are much better.  If, like me, you are challenged by asthma, use the school bell at the end of playtime.  Do not ask a child to blow your whistle for you, or you will be instantly poorly.

A collection of children’s literature (don’t forget to use the library or all your money will disappear)

It’s always nice to have your own copies of a few favourites, and it is a good idea to keep up with the latest in children’s literature so that you know what they are talking about.  Make sure you put your name in your own books and by all means lend them to children, but not to other teachers. You won’t get them back.

A way to label your own things

I’m a bit of a cheapskate so I tend to use that drawing tippex stuff or a sharpie to label my belongings, but other people swear by label printing machines, and who am I to judge?  If they are anything like laminators I am sure they are worth the money in therapeutic terms.  Oh, don’t buy your own laminator.  That is the school’s job.

A maths dictionary and a guide to English grammar

Always useful. Some bright spark is bound to ask you a question you don’t know the answer to or you will have to teach a tricky concept and you need an elegant way to explain it.  These kinds of books are invaluable; make sure you write your name in them.

Reference books in areas you don’t feel sure of (if these are not available in the staff room)

But really, don’t spend a fortune.

Special clothes

The first and most important of these being a decent winter coat for playground duty.  Playgrounds are, in fact, connected to the Arctic Tundra.  You need to be warm.  Next, make sure you have shoes you can stand all day in (and avoid getting chilblains when on duty), and a smart-ish PE kit.  You might want to invest in some sort of generic historic costume while you are at it and/or a world book day outfit you can get out every year or mix and match.


REMINDER: don’t spend too much of your own money prettifying your classroom.

SEND for Beginners

Last Saturday, I led a session on the SEND Code of Practice, for teachers and school leaders who were interested, and wanted to know more about SEN, what it all means, and what their responsibilities are, at TLT16 Southampton.

It was a fun session (well, it was for me, anyway), partly because I decided to go ‘old school’ and abandon any thought of using a powerpoint presentation (so I can’t give you a link to it here), and teach, like I would in a classroom.  I wanted to do three things – and I hope I succeeded.

  1. Challenge the idea that people who teach children with SEND, or SENCOs are somehow magical human beings.  They aren’t.  They are just ordinary teachers, some of whom have a particular interest in the field (often these are people who are fascinated by how people learn – or not – and often they have a family connection to disability in some form), some of whom have found themselves stepping up to the plate because no one else wanted the job.
  2. Ensure that attendees knew some key information about the Code of Practice and what it means.
  3. Give attendees a bit of time to talk to each other about any students that were causing them concern, and pool ideas about how they might go about removing barriers.

Key Areas

I split these into three main messages.

  1. Every teacher is a teacher of special needs.  I really can’t say this enough.  Basically, this means that the class teacher needs to take responsibility for ALL of the students in the class.  The ones with SEND do not belong either to the SENCO or to the TA, but to them – and they need to get informed.  If there is an EHCP or Statement, they need to read it.  If there are short term targets to be written, they need to do them.  They need to teach the children themselves.
  2. Categories of need – what they are and what they mean. There are four categories of need in the Code of Practice; we spent a little bit of time going over what they are, and what sort of need they cover, but the main idea I wanted to get across was that just because a child has a label/diagnosis, this does not mean they only have one area of need.  Depending on the child, they could have needs that span all four categories.  Teachers need to abandon any thought of neatness where SEND is concerned, and embrace several dimensions, lots of slipperiness, and considerable grey areas.  We also discussed the line where SEND and not-SEND meet.  A bereavement, for example, will give a child an additional need, but it is likely that this is short term.  EAL on its own is not an SEND, and EAL children will, in the main, require a different form of teaching.  A child who is poorly with, say cancer, and who has been/is likely to be poorly long term, will come under the disability legislation and be covered by the Code of Practice.
  1. Removing barriers and the social model of disability.  Despite the need to demonstrate needs and diagnose, the Code of Practice is built on the notion of the social model of disability, which says that it is not so much the disability that makes life difficult for a person, as the world, and society that surrounds them.  Other people’s attitudes towards them, and the lack of adjustments to the environment in which they live are the things that make life hard.

As teachers, we are in the business of removing barriers to learning – and this is something that we do every day.  Every time we move a child away from a chatty friend, every time we shut the curtains against the glare of the sun in the afternoon, every time we ask for quiet so that we can concentrate we are removing a barrier to learning.  It is what we do.  The only difference with SEND is that we might have to think a bit harder about what the barriers a child is experiencing in our class actually are.  Then we can go about making adjustments.

After all that we indulged ourselves in ‘Nancy’s Great Acronym and Edubabble Quiz’ (where I mourned the fact that a G&T is no longer something to be enjoyed with ice and lemon).


If you would like me to come and talk to you or your colleagues about SEND and the Code of Practice or issues around inclusion, please do get in touch.


You can buy my book, Inclusion for Primary School Teachers here

Thank you Rob Webster, for being my ‘glamorous assistant’ (ie. tall!) and sticking labels on the wall.  Well done Michael Slavinksy for giving the blu tac back ;P

Teaching Spelling

There’s lots of advice out there on the teaching of spelling, how to approach it, which order of words/concepts/rules to teach and, if you’re anything like me, you read it all and you think, ‘great!’ and then you look at your class day and you think, ‘but how?’ and, ‘but when?’  So, at the risk of being accused of offering nothing new and merely sharing the things that have worked for an experienced teacher, here are some of the ways I have found to be successful in the teaching of spelling.

  1. Practice, practice, practice.

I really can’t emphasise how important practice is in the learning of spellings.  When we write things down we bring muscle memory into play, which is helpful for many of us, we get used to the way words look and the patterns of the letters, and repetition really does bring its own rewards.  We often set spelling as homework for this reason.

However, it must be said that some children, for a multitude of reasons and all of them valid, don’t get the opportunity to practise their spellings at home, and if this is the case, well, the simple answer is to practise them at school.  I don’t mean that you send the children who haven’t had their spelling books initialled by their parents to the not-so-voluntary playtime homework club (aka detention).  I mean fitting it in to the school day.

First thing in the morning is ideal (no need to bother with a fancy morning task, just get the spelling and reading books out, write each word out three times), as is at the beginning of an English lesson, especially if you are gathering children from different classes, for an intervention or a set.

  1. Make meaning.

When we understand the meaning of things, even better, when we can attach a story to them, we can remember them better.  This is why many teachers ask children to write their spellings in a sentence.  For some children, for instance very young ones, or those with SEN, this might be a step too far, so there is nothing to stop you getting children to tell you a sentence (which then you, as a group, can learn and then write down before you forget it) or even to draw a sketch next to the word to demonstrate that they know what it means (I have found this very useful with my EAL learners).

  1. Make it into a game.

My last group used to like getting the felt tips out (talk about a privilege, usually I wouldn’t let them touch them!).  I gave them an unlined book and told them to fill the pages with words, like a wordle.  If you take two colours, sometimes the pattern you have been going on about (but which they haven’t really understood, despite nodding and smiling at you or the last five lessons) will pop out at them.

Another game we liked to play was suggested to me by my friend Brenda.  She wrote the words up on the wall and then played guess the word, by giving the children clues.  This meant that the children had to do things like count letters, know the words ‘vowel’ and ‘consonant’, know what type of word it was (was it a noun, an adverb and so on?) and understand the concepts prefix and suffix.

  1. Identify the tricky bit.

Get the children to explain which word they think is the most difficult to spell and say why.  Discuss how they are going to remember it/work it out.

  1. Use flashcards.

Many of the children I taught last year had difficulties with remembering all sorts of things, including their spellings.  I used flashcards (and let them look at them again) – the only rule being that they couldn’t start writing the word until I said go.

  1. Use whiteboard pens.

I am not the biggest fan of mini-whiteboards, but they do have their uses, and practicing spelling is one of them.  You can shock the children by allowing them to write on the tables (it’s amazing how many times they will write a word that way), or you could challenge them to see how many times they could fit the word onto a whiteboard.

Handwriting is one of those skills that has a plethora of benefits, one of which is writing words out and really concentrating on them.  Teaching handwriting?  Teach spelling at the same time.

  1. Ring the changes.

When I first began teaching, I stuck to the ‘practice your spellings while I take the register and get the dinner numbers wrong’ like glue.  As the years have gone by and I began to teach children with increasingly complex needs, I found that having a bank of different activities to use and use a different one each day worked better.  If you find yourself teaching children with low levels of resilience, you might find this works for you too.


I’m sure there are plenty more way to get children to practice spellings, these are just a few of the activities, and times to fit them in, that have worked for me.

Magic and Sparkle

Christmas is the time of year when, in primary schools, it all becomes almost unbearably exciting.  Children, being as they are children, are in a high state of anticipation, Christmas can hardly be avoided in the World Outside after all, and that’s before you add in the numerous changes to the timetable, depending on Christmas dinners, panto visits, extra rehearsals you know they need because when they sang it yesterday it was a DISASTER and no mistake, and somewhere in amongst it all, learning needs to happen because it is, after all, a school and not a baby sitting service so that harried parents can take the day off work and get the shopping done.

There are some children, in particular those with SEN, who will appreciate your efforts to maintain a little of the ordinary routine, despite it being the last week of term, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add a festive ‘twist’ to proceedings.  What you will find below are a few ideas for maths activities  – once you get going I’m sure you could add more of your own.  If you like, you can add them to the comments.


  • Calculate the amount of wrapping paper Father Christmas will need to use for a specified number of parcels
  • Select gifts within a given budget (you might even want to use the Argos Catalogue)
  • Plan a Christmas party
  • Plan the family shopping for the week – have a budget
  • Guess the nets of the parcels
  • Make the nets of the parcels
  • Make boxes to fit a selection of gifts
  • Measure the ingredients for a Christmas punch – or experiment with the ideal combinations
  • Use co-ordinates to design ‘join the dots’ style festive pictures
  • Calculate the volume of the parcels
  • Get the children to write their own seasonal story problems


It doesn’t have to be all about colouring in the times-tables festive picture, there are lots of real-life maths options to choose from (and lots of fantasy ones too).


Happy Christmas

Keep your classroom tidy

It seems a funny thing to make an important one, but, as is often the case, it is small things that make huge differences.  As a new teacher I was never really convinced of this, and consequently my first classroom was always a bit of a muddle.  Thankfully I had an understanding boss.

Keeping your classroom tidy has several benefits.

  • You will be able to find things when you need them – as will the children, and any colleagues who either pop in to borrow something, or find themselves teaching in your class.
  • You will be promoting respect for both things and people.
  • You will be creating a space that is pleasant for all to learn in.
  • By making the classroom somewhere that is tidy and organised, you will be promoting independence, as the children will not need to keep asking you where things are.
  • You will be able to get on with the learning more quickly as you don’t need to scrabble around looking for things.
  • When you give the children responsibility for helping you to keep the classroom tidy, you will be contributing to their sense that it is a place where they belong – it is theirs.


There are lots of ways that you can keep a classroom tidy – the worst one being that you do it all yourself at the end of the day. By far the easiest way is to give the responsibility for keeping the classroom tidy over to the children.  There are several ways to do this:

  • Give out jobs.  Decide which jobs really need to be done in the class, such as book shelf monitors, cleaning the board, giving out books and resources, and collecting them in again.  If you have a cloakroom that is for your class take responsibility for it as well.  Think about how often each job will need to be done.  Make sure that you have plenty of jobs to go round, and rotate them every so often so that everyone gets a go.
  • Use tidy tubs at the tables. Give the children who work there the responsibility for making sure that it has the correct resources in it.
  • At the end of a lesson or activity, make sure that everything has been collected in and tidied away. Instigate routines at the beginning of the year to make sure this happens.  Make sure that you leave enough time at the end of a lesson for the tidying up to take place – and some lessons, such as painting – take more time to tidy up and clear away than others.
  • When the children are ready to leave the class, make sure that you take some time to ensure that everything is in its place before they go. Get them to check there is nothing on the tables – or, more importantly, under them.  If the desks have moved about a bit, get the children to straighten them up.
  • Every so often run a ‘table check’.  Patrol the classroom looking for the tidiest and best equipped table.  Award points – or the privilege of being the first out to play time for the winners.
  • Keep your own desk (if you have one) tidy. If it is impossible to keep on top of it during the working day, make sure that you clear it at the end.


It may seem a bit of a no brainer, but it never fails to surprise how much a little bit of attention to details makes a bigger difference than you might think.

Using the Local Environment

I want to preface this with the comment that planning like this really depends on what you have around in your locality.  Many years ago I lived in York, a city stuffed with historical buildings.  A visit to one of those would give an entirely different flavour to my ideas.


I went on a family walk to a local wood, and it got me thinking about how the local environment, the places of interest, both environmentally and historically, could be used to bring immediacy, and an exciting reality into your classroom.  A local wood lends itself to particular areas of the curriculum (there is little point stretching connections for the sake of an all encompassing topic, and some subjects, most notably elements of the English and Mathematics curriculum need to be taught discretely), so this post demonstrates how I would plan for an upper junior class, using the wood as inspiration.

The first place to start when planning any unit of work for your class is from what the children need to know, and the National Curriculum is the place to look.

Leaving aside the detail of the English programme of study, I would choose a class story, one that is above the ability of the majority of children to read for themselves, that connects in some way to the theme I have chosen.  For this, and partly because the author spent many hours in the area, walking in this wood while he composed his stories, I would choose ‘The Hobbit’.  I might  choose to use passages from this book to study, to check for comprehension, and to use as a starting point for discussion as to why the characters behave as they do.  Before reading this book to a class I would always recommend a teacher reading it themselves.  You might decide, due to the composition of your class, that your chosen book isn’t quite right, and, for a book as long and complicated as ‘The Hobbit’ it is worth considering whether or not to use an abridged version.

There are plenty of ways in which you can use a class story as a stimulus for writing, so I will save those for another post, needless to say there is plenty of scope for diary extracts, letters home, songs, guides for keeping dragons, non-fiction accounts of hobbit holes; the list is almost endless.

The wood itself, though, can give plenty of scope for creativity.  Who might have lived in the wood?  Could you use the visit as a starting or end point for some imaginative story making?  What about poetry?  The anthology ‘Sensational’, a collection of poems based around the five senses could be a stimulus.  What did your class see, hear, smell, taste and feel when they went on the visit?  What kind of senses poem would they write?

Mathematics is a subject that I feel is best taught as a stand alone, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t look for opportunities to use it in real life contexts.  How big is the wood?  How could your class go about estimating and measuring its area?  There is plenty of scope for data collection; types of tree, number of visitors, size of tree trunk, for instance.  For some children, a discussion on how to work out the height of particular trees would be a meaningful challenge, especially if they were acting out the parts of woodcutters (this would need to fit in with your chosen story, if you wanted to give the activity a context).

In Science, the children need to learn to work scientifically by:

*  planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including
recognising and controlling variables where necessary
*  taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing
accuracy and precision, taking repeat readings when appropriate
*  recording data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and
labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs
*  using test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and fair tests
*  reporting and presenting findings from enquiries, including conclusions, causal
relationships and explanations of and degree of trust in results, in oral and written
forms such as displays and other presentations
*  identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or
arguments. (National Curriculum, 2014)

In order to do this, the children will need to have formulated some scientific questions they can begin to answer through a visit to a wood.  Examples of questions might be: which animals and plants live in which parts of the wood?  What is the temperature like in different parts of the wood?  What is the habitat of the wood like compared to the countryside around and about it, or, indeed, in the school?  How do the two habitats compare?  The questions will then need refining until they are the sort that the children can plan to investigate, with appropriate measuring equipment, keys and identification resources.

If you plan on doing some sort of investigation into the living things in the wood, then research into woodland habitats and what might be found there at different times of the year is essential.  When the children have completed their investigation, then they will need to present their results, giving an excellent opportunity for writing in another curriculum area.

In Year 5, under the heading ‘Living things and their habitats’, the children should be taught to:

*  describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and
a bird
*  describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals. (National Curriculum 2014)

In Year 6, the children should be taught to:

*  describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common
observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including microorganisms, plants and animals.
* give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics. (National Curriculum 2014)

A visit to any environment gives you the chance to examine the state of the plants at whatever season you are in, but, if you are studying seeds, then time your visit for the autumn, flowers, late spring.  Do your homework, and find out when the best time to visit is, depending on what aspect you are studying.  My wood has no water running through, or in it (unless you count the rain), so, for a study of amphibians you might want to visit somewhere else (you never know, your school might have a pond); this would be an excellent habitat to study for a contrast.  Before you visit, the children could make their own classification keys, which they then use on the site.  A discussion of/investigation into adaptation, in the context of looking at different habitats, is also relevant here.

My own personal preferences lie along the artistic/creative side of a curriculum, and the programme of study for Art certainly gives teachers plenty of room for manouvre.  Children are required:

*  to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit
*  to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and
sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
*  about great artists, architects and designers in history. (National Curriculum 2014)

No visit is ever complete without an opportunity to sketch.  The children could make sketches, along with rubbings, collect leaves and take photographs, all of which could be gathered together in their sketchbooks.  In lessons past I have enjoyed sketching in pencil, charcoal, pastels and watercolours, so it really depends how much kit and caboodle you wish to carry.  Pencil is perfect for sketching in the outdoors; back in the classroom, you can choose, according to where you are in a teaching sequence of art media.

The wood in my visit has a wonderful rich, clay soil that gleams wetly no matter what the weather conditions seem to be, and gives me lots of inspiration for work in clay.  Could the children make columns like tree trunks and then give them texture like their rubbings?  Could they make twisted shapes like the exposed roots we saw?  In the past, I have given children free reign on how they wanted to respond in clay, but you might have other ideas.  You might want to explore other ways of 3D modelling; tin foil, for example.  (Re-reading this makes me wonder how I could incorporate creative dance into the project.)

The artistic impact of the illustrations for ‘The Hobbit’ and the following ‘Lord of the Rings’books is worth investigating, especially given my wood’s historical connection with the author; could the children use their sketches to inform a fantasy painting?  The work of Andy Goldsworthy is also interesting and relevant.  Could the children use natural materials in the wood itself to make a transient artwork they then photograph?  The hard bit, really, is the choosing.

The Geography curriculum require children to:

describe and understand key aspects of:
*  physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers,
mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle
*  human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity
including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy,
food, minerals and water
Geographical skills and fieldwork
*  use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and
describe features studied
*  use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and key
(including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United
Kingdom and the wider world
*  use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and
graphs, and digital technologies. (National Curriculum 2014)

Where is the wood to be found on a map of the UK?  What human and physical features are nearby?  Can the children plan a route around the wood, or, use a compass to help them find their way out?  Can the children make sketch maps, leading to plans, with coordinates, symbols and keys?  Depending on where you want your focus of the visit to be would dictate at what part of your teaching sequence you would make your visit.

As far as History is concerned, I would plump for the local history part of the curriculum for this wood, but really, it does depend on your locality, your visit.  What has happened near to where you live?  Whatever it is, you will need to do a bit of research.  A quick bit of googling reveals that my wood was the site of mining for iron ore from the iron to the Roman age.  Plenty of scope there for a few trips to the library for more detailed information and primary sources to use with children.

In Music Pupils should be taught to:
*  play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical
instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression
*  improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related
dimensions of music
*  listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory
*  use and understand staff and other musical notations
*  appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn
from different traditions and from great composers and musicians
*  develop an understanding of the history of music.  (National Curriculum 2014)

I would use the visit as a starting point for a composition.  Could we use classroom percussion to evoke a sense of the wood, the sounds we heard when we were there (we might make a recording during our visit).  Could we ‘play a picture’? (There are lots of ways to do this.)  Could we devise some rhythms based on words from the wood?  Could we tell a story in sound?  If we wrote stories based around our visit, could we use them?  Can the children use notation, either graphic or staff, to record their compositions?  Are there any songs or rounds based on woodland life?  Could you use some of the music from the film of the Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings that is used during the woodland scenes to discuss how the composer creates the desired effect?

This represents a flavour of the kind of classroom activities I would plan based around a visit to a wood.  What do you have nearby that you could use?

And congratulations for getting to the end.

On Writing 2

Let’s look again at that bottle. Several children decided that they wanted to write about it, and, even as they formed a fledgling idea about how they might write, they engaged in an animated discussion that encouraged more, and more imaginative ideas.

Firstly, they were enthused by the object itself. All of their senses were engaged as they handled it: they stroked it, felt its smoothness, its temperature, the way that there were some roughened places. They listened to the sound the stopper made when it rattled in the neck, or tinkled as it was taken in and out.

They sniffed at it, when they took the stopper out, just to check if it had ever held any perfume, and they probably licked it when I wasn’t looking, or would have, given half a chance. Most of all, they looked closely at it, more closely than I expected. Not only did they notice its colour, its transparency, but also the mysterious dust that had collected on it (I wasn’t going to admit to my lack of housekeeping skills).

So intrigued were they, that they enthusiastically brought their ideas to me, and, as their teacher, I was able to extend them into possible story ideas. Maybe the bottle had been waiting on a high shelf in that funny old junk shop for many years. Maybe it was some sort of residue from the escape of its resident genie. The possibilities came thick and fast.

After all this animated discussion, I was pleased with the writing that the children produced – particularly those with SEN. The point is: the children needed to talk about their ideas before they committed their favourite ones to paper, and they benefitted from having the real objects.

The best discussions, though, were between me and the children I knew best. Because we had spent a lot of time over the year discussing stories, poems, writing and ideas, we brought all of our prior knowledge of each other to the conversation. It was full of, ‘like the time we did…’ and, ‘do you remember when…’, and their eventual writing was the richer for it.

Real objects, real discussion, real relationships. All senses fully engaged. A great combination.